Verify whether the email is legal
Supports checking whether the email meets the specified requirements in the text type column, and if it does, it will be marked as √ in the corresponding checkbox column
The following is example data, not real email
Source code
const datasheet = await space.getActiveDatasheetAsync();
const mailField = await input.fieldAsync("Please select the text column where the email address is located:", datasheet);
const mailFieldId =;
const checkField = await input.fieldAsync("Please select the check field, which needs to be a check type:", datasheet);
const checkFieldId =;
const records = await datasheet.getRecordsAsync();
const mailRule = await input.textAsync('Please enter the email suffix, such as');
const mailReg = new RegExp(mailRule);
const finalData = [];
for (let record of records) {
const recordId =;
let cellValue = record.getCellValue(mailFieldId);
if (cellValue == null) continue;
const validation = cellValue.match(mailReg);
if (validation != null) {
id: recordId,
valuesMap: { [checkFieldId]: true }
if (finalData.length) {
await datasheet.updateRecordsAsync(finalData);
output.text('Complete the check!!!')